Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So Josh is the BEST!!!!! He bought me a Fetal Doppler monitor for Mothers Day which allows me to listen to our babies heartbeat anytime I want! This is a video of the first time we found the babies heartbeat from home! I love listening to our baby and although it may be excessive I probable use this machine 3 or more times a day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

We were so excited to see our sweet healthy baby today! Today I am 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant and we went in for a down syndrome screening. This test simply uses ultrasound to measure the spinal fluid of the baby. We won't receive our results for a few days, so I will be sure to keep you posted! I love this picture of the baby because you can see his/her little nose and arms.
This is another picture we received today! We were listening to the babies heartbeat when this picture was taken and you can see that the baby has flipped and the head is now on the left side while the feet are on the right!