Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We went back to the ultrasound studio today and were able to get a few more shots of Aubrey. She is now 3lbs 9oz and loves to have her hands in her mouth and face. In some of the pictures it looks like she has hair but the ultrasound tech said its just a shadow and if she does have any hair it's very little. We also received a video of today's session so I will try to upload it to the blog later! Aside from being tired all of the time I feel pretty good and the baby is doing wonderfully. We are scheduled to be induced at 5am on November 19th.  Apparently my doctor doesn't know that I don't wake up that early but I guess we will make an exception just this once!
This is one of the better pictures we were able to get. Her face is a little hidden but you can see most of her face and her little hand.

Look Ma I have hands! Smashing her face in this picture!

This is my favorite because her face is squished! In this picture you can see the bottom of her foot on the left side of her face and her little fingers are on the right. She had her foot and her hands in her mouth today!
This isn't the best picture but it is just way too cute! You can see she has her foot in her mouth and can clearly see all of her little toes!
Here is Josh and me when we were first born. I think she might look a little like me in the first picture but the rest of them she looks exactly like Josh!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today we went for our 3D/4D ultrasound of baby Aubrey; however, she decided to hide her face and not cooperate with us.  The ultrasound tech was very nice and is allowing us to go back in a week to try again. We are hoping that she will move by next week and we will be able to get much better pictures!
Here is one picture from today!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

We have just returned from our last vacation without a child. We really enjoyed our time in Vegas; however, it was HOT! Vegas, in August, 6 months pregnant might not have been the best idea, but we really enjoyed some alone time together! We stayed 3 days at the Bellagio and then 2 days with Josh's sister Jessica and her husband Eric who live near the strip. We enjoyed lots of yummy food and saw 2 shows. We are glad to be back home now and the 90 degree weather doesn't seem so bad anymore!

Vegas Trip 2012 - photo slideshow

Friday, July 13, 2012


We had another sonogram today and our little girl is growing and developing normally! Today they counted all of her fingers and toes which are absolutely perfect! The ultrasound tech took a close look at her heart and brain and everything looks great. The doctor started talking to Josh and I about cord blood banking, birthing classes, and pre-registering with the hospital which is an exciting reminder that she will be here very soon! We can't wait to meet her!!!! I can now feel her moving around which is amazing, and she is most active late at night and first thing in the morning. We received several new pictures today but she was hiding her face so we didn't get a really good profile picture.   

This is a picture of her bum cheeks and her girl parts!

This is a picture of her lower extremities. You can see her little feet in this picture!

The picture to the right shows a close-up of her feet and tiny toes!

This picture showes her little hands and fingers!


This is a video of the ultrasound tech listening to her heartbeat. It's cool that you can see her heart pumping in this video!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We went to get a sneak peek at our little angel today and they were able to let us know that we will be having a baby GIRL!!!!!! Josh and I are extremely excited and can't wait to meet her. We are trying to decide on a name for her but that has actually proven to be quite hard. My mom, Sister, and I have already started buying little things here and there that she just has to have, and I can already tell you that she is going to be one blessed little girl! We were able to get some good pictures of her today and she has really grown! We go back to the doctor on July 13th for another ultrasound and we can't wait to see her again and share more pictures with everyone!

This is her bum and girl parts!
Cheerleader Kicks!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So Josh is the BEST!!!!! He bought me a Fetal Doppler monitor for Mothers Day which allows me to listen to our babies heartbeat anytime I want! This is a video of the first time we found the babies heartbeat from home! I love listening to our baby and although it may be excessive I probable use this machine 3 or more times a day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

We were so excited to see our sweet healthy baby today! Today I am 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant and we went in for a down syndrome screening. This test simply uses ultrasound to measure the spinal fluid of the baby. We won't receive our results for a few days, so I will be sure to keep you posted! I love this picture of the baby because you can see his/her little nose and arms.
This is another picture we received today! We were listening to the babies heartbeat when this picture was taken and you can see that the baby has flipped and the head is now on the left side while the feet are on the right!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I am 10 weeks pregnant today and Baby Bailey is doing his/her job by growing, growing, growing! The picture we received from the doctor isn't too great so this is a picture that Josh took of the ultrasound machine. The baby looks like he/she is relaxing with the head on the right side and the little feet are on the left. We were so excited to see the baby kicking and he/she even waved at us during the ultrasound!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby Bailey is still growing and healthy!!!! We went to doctor Sinacori today and she said that everything looks great. I am 8 weeks pregnant today and the baby looks much bigger! You can actually make out his/her body parts, and right now the baby is kind of hanging upside down. I don't have a problem making out the head and the little body but Josh just doesn't see it! I have started feeling sick and although they call it morning sickness it seems to last all day. I have been giving myself injections of a blood thinner called Lovenox for the last 2 weeks because I have a high chance of developing a blood clot during pregnancy. The first time I had to inject I was totally freaked out but after a few days I realized that it isn't really a big deal. The actual needle doesn't really hurt but the medicine burns going in. I try not to complain too much because I realize how blessed we are, and I will do anything to keep baby Bailey healthy!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Well we went to visit our fertility specialist, Doctor Hickman today, and baby Bailey looks healthy! The baby is very small and kind of looks like a grain of rice. If you look at the picture you will see a black circle in the middle of the picture which is my uterus. At the top of my uterus you will see the baby which looks like a grain of rice. I am exactly 6 weeks pregnant today and we were surprised to hear a strong heartbeat! The babies heart was beating at 121 BPM! I have now been released from doctor Hickman's care and can return to my regular doctor. We will get another look at baby Bailey in 2 weeks, and we will be sure to keep you posted!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Well after one round of Clomid we have good news!!!! If you haven't figured it out by the picture yet...we are expecting!!! I am 4 1/2 weeks pregnant right now and our first doctors appointment is scheduled for April 2nd. I can't wait to get a look at our little miracle in the making! Right now I feel great and we are very thankful for this wonderful blessing!

Miley is also excited about being a big sister!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It has been so gloomy in Houston for the past few weeks. The weather here is one day, freezing and rainy the next. I looked at this picture today and decided I am sooooo ready to go back to Mexico!!!

Josh has been working like crazy the past week, as he was recently blessed with some really big accounts at work.  It kinda stinks that he gets home so late but I keep myself busy with teaching and planning for our religious education classes!

My new job as a math intervention specialist is going wonderfully, although my kids are quite difficult at times.  I was constantly sick my first two weeks back at work, as the kiddos tend to be very generous with their cooties! I'm feeling much better now but my kids call me a germ freak as I am constantly wiping the tables down with Clorox wipes, spraying Lysol, and using hand sanitizer!

Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment with our fertility doctor, and we are looking forward to making a game plan with him. I know we're in great hands as Doctor Hickman is the best around so we will see what he recommends! Until then...........

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcome to our blog!!! I'm hoping that this blog will allow us to keep all of our friends and family informed on what's going on in our lives. Right now everything is great in our world and we are looking forward to celebrating our 2nd anniversary together. It seems like just yesterday we were tying the knot! It has been an amazing 2 years and I'm sure this year is going to be even better!